Frontend Developer
HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular 2/4

UX Designer
Figma, Marvelapp, Sketch, Axure

AD and Graphical Artist
Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Sketch

C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Unity, UE 4, G2
As a multimedia designer from Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, I possess creative design competences, while my main focus is on the creative syntheses of technical, design and game elements.
My education has equipped me with solid tools that make me able to develop new and innovative products and systems.

Senior Software Engineer
Designing and developing software solutions for Awaze landingpages
Senior Software Engineer
Designing and developing software solutions for a variety of different clients and industries
Yellow Umwelt A/S
Head of Tech and UX
Managing a teams of frontend and backend developers, to build and mantain digital products and campaigns
Senior Frontend Developer & Lead UX Designer
Working with React to develop new
and large scale .com solutions.
Concept, Design, UI/UX, Web, HTML5/CSS3 etc.
Senior Frontend Developer / Senior UX Designer
Working with Angular 2/4 to develop
new and upcoming Sitecore products.
Concept, Design, UI/UX, Web, Aftereffects, HTML5/CSS3 etc.
GUI Designer and Developer
Designing, animating and developing the newest Hitman Game GUI.
Art Director / UX Designer
In this endeavour I have taken the role as the Art Director, where I take the general decisions on which way we need to push the content, so it will stay in sync with the core design considerations. Furthermore I am the Lead UI Designer, which implements the concept considerations in a functional UI in the actual app.
Head of Gaming / Senior Frontend Developer / Senior UI Designer
Game development, Concept, Design, UI, Web, Flash, AS3, Aftereffects, Videoediting, compositing, HTML/CSS etc.

GameMasterz (A Ghost VFx company)
Lead UI Designer
Design and Art Direction on Ravenstorm: Rift of souls.
UI Designer / Developer
Designing, animating and developing the Dead Island 2 GUI.
UI Designer / Developer
Designing, animating and developing the Hitman: Absolution Game GUI. Designing, animating and developing the next unannounced AAA product GUI.
KathArt Interactive
Flash- & Webdeveloper / Designer / VFX Artist
Concept, design, UI, web, flash, AS3, Aftereffects, videoediting, compositing, HTML/CSS etc.
Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Assistant teacher
Teaching programming, design and tools for the multimedia trade.
Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Graphical communication
Studied graphical communication and graduated as a Multimedia Designer, from Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
Get a hold of me
Go on… Don’t be shy
The easiest way of getting a hold of me, is to visit my LinkedIn profile and shoot me a message there. I’m looking forward to your message!